Sunday, March 26, 2006

Score another for the Mayor

So many of you have heard me bitch about the Mayor David Miller.
I may be wrong about him.
As I mentioned in a previous posting, he answered my letter and I was like cool.
Well I was just on the Danforth and the mayor is walking towards me and some friends and the guy sees us looking at him. I had just said to my friends, "there's the mayor" and as he approaches us he says: "Hi!" and then says "Have a good day". I honestly believe he was sincere about it too. Now, it is obviously good politics to do so, but overall it demonstrates to me he's a cool guy, who at least had the decency to acknowedge the people he represents even if it was in a small way. And for that Mayor David Miller of Toronto, you get respect in my book. Unlike Jack Layton who when me and some buds saw him in Vancouver, and one of my friends geniunely said hello to the fucker, he didn't give us the time of day. For that MR. JACK LAYTON; I will always say you are a tremendous COCKSLAP. All he had to say was "hey" but he didn't he was too important for us, so he can go fuck himself, he'll never get my vote. Although I may not see eye to eye politically with Mayor Miller, I want to say the guy is good in my books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to start with an "I told you so", and then I'd follow it up with a 'fuck you' for telling me I was wrong to think Miller was a good Mayor.

I was impressed with him from Day One for the simple act of his riding the TTC to work and chatting with commuters on the train. Fucktwat Lastman took a limo to work everyday.

And for the record, I was the guy in Vancouver who shouted out Layton's name. He did say hello. He didn't stop to chat, but neither did we.

You can't judge a dude just cause you yell his name in the street and he might not stop for a conversation.

Save your Cockslaps for legitimate slapping.

p.s. Marco, I love you.

1:03 p.m.  
Blogger Marco T said...

For the record, Jack Layton is cockslap, and he did not say "hello" he barely acknowledged us, and was a total snob about it. Had he even said "hello" after your gleeful shout out to him on that street, my opinion would be different. I still don't see eye to eye with Miller politically speaking. And I like Limo's they keep food on my friend and his family's table.

3:17 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lastman said he'd never drive around in a "Jew" limo. Weird, but true.

I maintain that Layton acknowledged me. I was the dude who recognized him and shouted his name out, thus, I was the person who gauged his reaction best.

Fuck you and go watch the Seal Hunt.

4:33 p.m.  
Blogger Marco T said...

It never ceases to amaze me how up in arms people get we cute little animals are killed. I love seals, but I also feel for those who must hunt them.

Likewise, I feel for politicians, but moresoe I think Jack Layton should be hunted and clubbed like a seal after how he treated me and my friend (Ryan) not you as you seem not to remember clearly one faithful day in Vancouver.

4:38 p.m.  

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